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Slash.Unity.DataBind.Foundation.Setters Namespace

Setters take a data value and assign it to an object, e.g. a game object or mono behaviour.
Public classActiveSetter
Setter which activates/deactivates a game object depending on the boolean data value.
Public classAnimatorBooleanSetter
Sets the animator paramater of a game object to the boolean data value.

Input: Boolean

Public classAnimatorParameterSetterT
Base class for a setter that updates a parameter of an Animator.
Public classAnimatorSpeedSetter
Sets the speed of the animator to the float data value.

Input: Boolean

Public classAnimatorTriggerSetter
Sets the animator paramater of a game object to the boolean data value.

Input: Boolean

Public classBehaviourEnabledSetter
Sets a behaviour enabled/disabled depending on the boolean data value.

Input: Boolean

Public classComponentSingleSetterTComponent, TData
Base class for a setter for a component.
Public classContextDataUpdater
Updates a data property of a context with the value of a data binding.
Public classContextHolderContextSetter
Sets the context of a specific context holder.
Public classGameObjectItemSetter
Base class which adds a game object instantiated from a prefab for the item of an ItemSetter.
Public classGameObjectItemsSetter
Base class which adds game objects for each item of an ItemsSetter.
Public classGameObjectSingleSetterT
Base class for a setter for a game object.
Public classItemSetter
Base class for a setter which uses a data property to determine if an item is shown beneath the game object of the target component.
Public classItemsSetter
Base class for a setter which uses a collection or an integer to determine how many items are shown beneath the game object of the target behaviour.
Public classLocalPositionSetter Obsolete.
Sets the local position of a game object depending on a Vector3 data value.
Public classMaterialFloatPropertySetter
Setter for a float property of a material.
Public classMeshFilterMeshSetter
Sets the mesh of a mesh filter.
Public classMeshRendererMaterialSetter
Sets the material of a mesh renderer.
Public classPositionSetter Obsolete.
Sets the position of a game object depending on a Vector3 data value.
Public classPrefabInstantiator
Instantiates a game object from the bound prefab if one is provided.
Public classSetter
Base class of a setter which influences the presentation depending on one or more data bindings.
Public classSingleSetter
Base class for a setter of a single data value.
Public classSingleSetterT
Generic base class for a single data setter of a specific type.
Public classSkyboxMaterialSetter
Sets the material of a skybox.
Public classSlotItemsSetter
Adds items under specified fixed slots.
Public classSlotItemsSetterSlotItemDestroyedEvent
Event which is fired when a slot item was destroyed.
Public classSlotItemsSetterSlotItemDestroyedEventData
Public classSmoothSlotItemsSetter Obsolete.
Adds items under specified fixed slots. Creates the items one after another instead of all at once. If you don't use any parent references in your item contexts, use SmoothCollectionChangesFormatter instead.
Public classSpriteRendererSpriteSetter
Setter which sets the sprite value of a SpriteRenderer.

Input: Sprite

Public classTransformLocalPositionSetter
Sets the local position of a transform depending on a Vector3 data value.
Public classTransformLocalRotationSetter
Sets the local rotation of a transform depending on a data value.
Public classTransformPositionSetter
Sets the position of a transform depending on a Vector3 data value.
Public classTransformRotationSetter
Sets the rotation of a transform depending on a data value.